The Imaginary New York
- Words
- Monika Mróz
Michele De Punzio is an Italian photographer working and living in Rome. In ‘City Of Glass’, he captures New York City as the imaginary scene of random encounters, each acting as a clue to find out about a bigger mystery.
“It is a story of love and mystery.” Glimmers of light, shapes drawn from the night, the glimpses from behind the doors make the enigmatic atmosphere of the world constructed by De Punzio. With photographer’s apparent cinematic aesthetics, the fact that he studies film comes as no surprise. Hypnotised by the images projected during theory classes, he uses the cinematic stills to develop his own style of photography,
Describing his project, De Punzio says: “It is a story of love and mystery. The pursuit of something that was lost, or that never belonged to us completely: our own identity and ability to see.”

All images © Michele De Punzio