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Geometrically Illuminated Landscapes By Javier Riera


Artist Javier Riera creates illuminated landscapes in exploration of the connection between geometric forms and nature.

By projecting beams of light onto trees and bushes, Riera creates temporary light installations. In this way, the artist manages to intervene with the surrounding landscape without leaving any remaining traces. Based in Spain, Riera specializes in site-specific installations in public spaces. Speaking of the idea behind his project, Riera says: “The relation between geometry and nature acquires for me a meditative character, which can expand our perception by reaching out towards qualities and dimensions that are hidden from the spaces in which it occurs. I understand geometry as a natural language preceding matter, able to establish with it a sort of subtle and revealing resonance.”

"The relation between geometry and nature acquires for me a meditative character, which can expand our perception by reaching out towards qualities and dimensions that are hidden from the spaces in which it occurs."
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All images © Javier Riera

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