
On The Danish Coast, The Earth Beneath Us Speaks In Patterns

Range Rover Evoque
NIK Schulte

For IGNANT production’s latest editorial we ventured from Berlin to the northern coast of Denmark, where—between the sand and the sea—the new Range Rover Evoque became both bearer and creator of the language of texture and pattern.

The beauty of a calm, satin-like seascape is momentarily lost when one realizes that such perfection will not last. Beneath the surface, tidal conversations roll over one another while the push and pull of wind and currents whip placid fluid to foam. In the breaking of a wave on land, the world splits open and makes itself anew. Sea water leaves the shoreline changed; the greedy lust of textured whitewash flecking it with illegible patterns. Such marks can only be read by a discerning eye; in the folds of sand and scatterings of water is the story of what came before, a sedimentary narrative penned by an unknown author.


In the waters off the Danish coastline, the sleek form of the Range Rover Evoque mirrored the dark flatness of the North Sea, its wheels moving the water to whiteness. With the exterior of the compact SUV decorated with aeolian tears, the rhythm and repetition of nature journeyed as a passenger of the Range Rover, traveling with the car across sand, sea and dirt. Beside the textures wrought on the shoreline by tides, temperatures and tempests, lay the impressions of the Evoque’s weight and movement. Its own journey through the land writ large on its body, typed out in salt water, sand and dirt.


This feature was created in collaboration with Range Rover.

Images © NIK Schulte for IGNANT Production

Range Rover Evoque 2.0 Si4 mit 177kW (240PS), A9 (kombinierter Kraftstoffverbrauch und CO2-Emission: 8,8-8,6 l/100km; 200-196 g/km. Die Angaben zu Kraftstoffverbrauch, CO2-Emissionen und Stromverbrauch wurden schon nach der Richtlinie VO(EG) 692/2008 auf Basis des neuen WLTP-Testzyklus ermittelt und zur Vergleichbarkeit auf NEFZ-Werte zurückgerechnet. Abhängig von Fahrweise, Straßen- und Verkehrsverhältnissen sowie Fahrzeugzustand können sich in der Praxis abweichende Verbrauchswerte ergeben. Angaben zu den Kraftstoffverbräuchen und CO2-Emissionen bei Spannbreiten in Abhängigkeit vom verwendeten Rad-/Reifensatz. Der Leitfaden ist ebenfalls im Internet unter www.dat.de verfügbar. Weitere Daten zu den Verbrauchs- und Emissionswerte der aktuellen Land Rover Modelle finden Sie zudem unter www.landrover.de/emissions

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