
It’s Called Fashion, A Striking Portrayal Of Self-Expression In Stylish Welsh Children

It’s Called Ffasiwn

It’s Called Ffasiwn’, or fashion in Welsh, is a series of characterful portraits taken by photographer Clémentine Schneidermann and art director Charlotte James, of the children of the South Wales Valleys.

A few years ago, James, who was born and raised in Merthyr Tydfil (a town where a majority of the photographs were taken), and Schneidermann, originally from France but living in Wales, decided to run some creative workshops in youth centers. The young participants were taught elements of fashion styling, design, and tailoring, and were encouraged to experiment with garments either purchased from charity shops or that they had sewn together themselves. The photographic project blossomed from there: the self-styled children would pose in locations around where they live, with James and Schneidermann improvising along the way. Yet whilst organic in their development, the images display a skilled consideration for color and composition, and highlight the precious relationship of trust between artist and subject. “The photographs show that while the Valleys wear the marks of time, they’re no match for the elixir and hope of a new generation—the project is a celebration of this,” James and Schneidermann said in a statement released by the Martin Parr Foundation. The series speaks to the innocent joys of childhood, and is as much an exploration of cultural and fashion stereotypes as it is a depiction of portraiture, performance art, and landscapes. ‘It’s Called Ffasiwn’ is on view until May 25, 2019, at the Martin Parr Foundation, Bristol.

"while the Valleys wear the marks of time, they’re no match for the elixir and hope of a new generation"

Demi, Bryn Farm, 2018. © Clémentine Schneidermann and Charlotte James


Last Days of Summer, Blaenavon, 2018. © Clémentine Schneidermann and Charlotte James


Ghosts, Merthyr, 2018. © Clémentine Schneidermann and Charlotte James


Nia (Valentine Disco Party), Gurnos 2018. © Clémentine Schneidermann and Charlotte James


Valentine Disco Party, Gurnos, Social Club 2018. © Clémentine Schneidermann and Charlotte James


It's Called Fashion (Look it Up) Merthyr Tydfil, 2016. © Clémentine Schneidermann and Charlotte James


Autumn, Coed Cae, 2016. © Clémentine Schneidermann and Charlotte James


Spring, Gurnos, 2017. © Clémentine Schneidermann and Charlotte James


Summer Street Party, Merthyr Vale, 2018. © Clémentine Schneidermann and Charlotte James

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