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A House Set On The MET’s Rooftop


For this year’s ‘Roof Garden Commission’ by the Metropolitan Museum Of Art, British artist Cornelia Parker created a house set atop the museum’s rooftop overlooking the Manhattan skyline.

Titled ‘Transitional Object’, the large-scale installation was inspired by Edward Hopper paintings as well as the mansion in the 1960s movie ‘Psycho’ by Alfred Hitchcock. To set up the eerie-looking barn house, Parker and her team reconstructed the  building from old wooden barn slats. As for the ‘Psycho’ house, the structure actually only consists of the facade – when walking around it, the scaffolding set up is revealed.

In a statement about the project, Parker says: “So I like the idea that you take things that perhaps seem clichéd, but they’re clichéd for a reason, they resonate with a huge amount of people, and that’s why they’re the most visited spots. And I somehow think the inverse of the cliché is the most unknown place.”

The Roof Garden Commission exhibition will run until October 31, 2016. Known for her site-specific installations – such as ‘Cold Dark Matter’ from 1991, an exploding garden shed, and the collaboration with actor Tilda Swinton of sleeping in a glass vitrine titled ‘The Maybe’ – Parker’s work is exhibited worldwide and the artist was elected to London’s Royal Academy of Arts.

"I somehow think the inverse of the cliché is the most unknown place."
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Cornelia Parker: Transitional Object (PsychoBarn)
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Cornelia Parker: Transitional Object (PsychoBarn)
Cornelia Parker: Transitional Object (PsychoBarn)
Cornelia Parker: Transitional Object (PsychoBarn)

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All images © Alex Fradkin, courtesy of Cornelia ParkerHyla Skopitz, The Photograph Studio, The Metropolitan Museum of Art

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