Bene Rohlmann
- Words
- Caroline Kurze
Detailed to the max, Bene Rohlmann’s work develops a very significant characteristic that sticks in ones mind. Thriving flora and fauna, sketched in the style of Mexican death cults, a scattering of well-loved Disney comic book icons are woven into playfully collaged antique maps.
+ Read MoreWith his cover art for the latest mb! Magazine Mixed Tape Bene Rohlmann sets the scene for a rich ‘musical harvest’ of instruments and metronomes, interspersed with the artist’s own styles and markers to create an unusual symbiosis.
Born in Münster, Germany, Bene studied illustration in his hometown before moving to Berlin in 2010 for love. And while he may have switched things up in his private life since then, his unbridled love for the city itself is still going strong. Taking a peek behind the scenes of his Berlin-Wedding studio, mb! by Mercedes-Benz gained some fascinating insights into Bene’s elaborate creative process. The working title for the cover, ‘musical harvest’, carried many different connotations for him. A lot of his works incorporate images of plants and organic elements, so this time around Bene decided to juxtapose them with drums and other instruments. When working, he finds inspiration in cut up out-dated encyclopaedias or old Disney and Marvel comics. Most of the time, he snips monochrome images from encyclopaedias and then mix them with tiny, slightly faded, yet colourful pictures – the resulting effect is quite beautiful. Find out more about Bene Rohlmann and his artwork and make sure to tune in the Mixed Tape #53. Just click here.
All images © Florian Reimann | Via: mb! by Mercedes-Benz