Chiara Arturo / 18 miles

A photo for every mile to depict a distance that is also a memory, a sensation more than a journey: “My travels between the island and the mainland. Landscapes recalled from an archive of memories that have been shaping and consolidating during the many times I travelled there and back, and that have now become intimate atmospheres. The visions are altered by the windows/filters, assaulted by salt water and by the element of water in all of its forms, but also by lights, that often erupts with violence. Waves, promontories, lighthouses, instants, huge ships: become the characters in a sort of formative novel made of 90% water. I dug deeply into myself during this work. Contact with the sea has always represented a geography of thoughts to me. I used to follow an idea of always-changing landscapes and movements. In the end, I found an intimate world made of suspensions that lasted 55 minutes at a time: the map of my precarious and wavering state.”

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