Love We Left Behind By Cody Bratt
- Words
- Paula Lou Riebschläger
Award-winning photographer Cody Bratt lives in San Francisco but tours the world for his photo shoots. He specializes in working with a diverse combination of digital, film and instant film cameras.
The picture series “Love We Leave Behind“ consists of two interwoven strands. Not only the motifs but also the process of taking these pictures diverge. On the one hand, he depicted landscapes during a long trip through the wide natural areas of California and Nevada. On the other hand, he portrayed models within just a few hours in limited spaces.
„I wanted to ask two questions: As we build places into the land and pass through them, what sorts of marks do our interior emotional lives leave behind and, as those places age and disappear, does that emotional residue continue to persist in a detectable fashion?“, so explains Bratt his motivation behind the pictures. In his works Bratt rediscovers things that used to be precious but now seemingly fell into oblivion.

All images © Cody Bratt