The Spectacle Of Floating Bodies
- Words
- Monika Mróz
In his series ‘Underwater’, American photographer Ed Freeman captures nude people in water, creating a painterly paean to the nature of the human body.
“I take pictures of naked people because they are the most beautiful things I know of in this world.”Through underwater photography, Freeman explores human passion, sexuality and movement. However, these familiar themes, a part of every human’s life, are put into the surreal underwater scenery, opening the space for the viewer’s fantasies and dreams. Freeman, who was a musician in his early career, seems to capture his subjects during a gentle dance, showing astonishing nuances of the movement and human interaction.
“I want to make beautiful images. I take pictures of naked people because they are the most beautiful things I know of in this world that I can see with my eyes and photograph with a camera. Sometimes I think art is like prayer, a way to thank God for being human and having the life and the senses that we do. Then too I think it is a way to express thoughts and feelings for which there are no words.”

All images © Ed Freeman